mokena expo

Ania Haas MS. BCC

coach in Mokena

Ania Haas MS. BCC

Holistic Life Coach, Event Organizer


Ania Haas MS. BCC. is a holistic life coach with over 17 years experience. Ania’s expertise is body and mind connection. She helps individuals and organizations to evolve and achieve higher levels of success through awakening process, clearing energy blocks and focus on conscious action. The development is not linear, energy circulates and brings to the surface what is ready to be looked at, felt and released. Big shifts are achieved by taking small steps towards the right direction.

Ania uses transpersonal approach in her practice, including Body, Mind and Spirit. They are part of the One and influence each other at all times. We are all interconnected in the Web of Life and governed by transmutable and untransmutable laws of the Universe.

During the Rhythm of Life Expo Ania will speak about the Wheel of Life. 

All sessions

Marketing Workshop

  • 1 December, 2019
  • 09:30 - 10:30
  • Times Complex

Balnked Wood

  • 16 July, 2018
  • 11:00 - 16:30
  • Times Complex

Wheel of Life

  • 15 July, 2018
  • 11:00 - 11:30
  • A